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I live with Rheumatoid Arthritis – Youtube Project

Oct 22, 2023 | 0 comments

Presentation Living Community with Rheumatoid Arthritis

Welcome to what aims to be a community of Rheumatoid Arthritis patients in which we share our experiences and help each other live with a chronic disease, which mostly affects women, but also attacks men, as is my case.

Make yourself comfortable and we’ll talk about symptoms, treatments, work and hobbies… Because it is a limiting illness, but I’m going to show you how I do what I want by simply organizing myself.

I want to make it clear that I am not a doctor or anything like that, I am simply talking about my personal experience and how I have been overcoming stages.

More about me in: Jose A Parra

Rheumatoid Arthritis – My First Symptoms

Rheumatoid Arthritis – My First Symptoms

In this first video I want to tell you about my first symptoms and how I came to the definitive diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis.

The purpose is to make a community in which we can share our experiences and support each other, feel accompanied and help each other in our daily lives… Because with this chronic illness you can live…

You can follow me on Instagram or Facebook where I will also share my daily life.

Don’t forget to subscribe and leave me in the comments what your first symptoms were and how you were diagnosed. Also tell me if you want me to talk about a specific topic or if you would like us to make a video together.

In the next video I will tell you about the treatments I have undergone and how they have gone for me…

Rheumatoid Arthritis – My First Treatments

Rheumatoid Arthritis – My First Treatments

This is how my treatments began when I finally had a diagnosis as a chronic Rheumatoid Arthritis patient.

I’ll tell you the ones that worked for me and the ones that didn’t.

What treatment do you have? Are the pills good for you or have you started a biological one?

You can follow me on Instagram or Facebook where I will also share my daily life.

Don’t forget to subscribe and leave me in the comments what your first symptoms were and how you were diagnosed. Also tell me if you want me to talk about a specific topic or if you would like us to make a video together.

In the next video I will show you how I put etanercept, now I take Benepali but I started with Erelzi.

Rheumatoid Arthritis – I get the Biological treatment

Rheumatoid Arthritis – I get the Biological treatment

Right now I have a Biological Treatment with Etanercept combined with Methotrexate that is working well for me at the moment.

But I’ll show you how I put on Benepali and tell me if you put it on another way or if you have another treatment.

Biological treatment is quite common for rheumatoid arthritis and is usually prescribed when traditional treatments are not enough.

It is also nothing special, simply that the content of the medicine is of living origin and is not synthesized in the laboratory.

Rheumatoid Arthritis – What exercises NOT to do and which ones YES

Rheumatoid Arthritis – What exercises NOT to do and which ones YES

Physical exercise is beneficial for everyone and at any age, but for those of us who suffer from rheumatic diseases it is much more important.

But we must know which physical activity is beneficial for our joints and which can harm us.

If you want to see elastic bands: elas tica

Here I explain the main exercises and sports that you can practice if you suffer from arthritis but also which ones you should avoid, especially if you are not used to physical exercise.

Leave me in the comments what sport you practice and how you feel, here we are as a family and we can help each other.

Share the video if you think it may be useful to someone and subscribe because I will be uploading content every week.

Rheumatoid Arthritis – Exercises to do at Home

Rheumatoid Arthritis – Exercises to do at Home

All of us who suffer from a rheumatic disease know that exercise is essential to keep our joints in good condition, but what exercises are the best?

Well, I will explain the basics that you will be able to do at home and at any age to improve joint flexibility so that on those most difficult days of joint numbness or stiffness, you can soften the pain and face the day with a better face.

Leave me in the comments if you know more exercises because I will make a second video with more elaborate ones, and a third video more focused on bodybuilding.

This is a community and we are here to lend a hand to each other.

Remember that if you have any problem or pain you should consult with your rheumatologist as soon as possible. I am not a doctor and I only intend to help you from my personal experience.

Arthritis – Basic anti-inflammatory nutrition

Arthritis – Basic anti-inflammatory nutrition

Although the Mediterranean diet is the most anti-inflammatory diet in the world, we will review which foods will work best for us and which we should avoid.

We will also review supplements such as turmeric, ginger or black pepper with their properties and side effects, always from a scientific basis.

Suplemento Curcuma

Rheumatoid Arthritis – Cellulitis and Abscess Treatment

Rheumatoid Arthritis – Cellulitis and Abscess Treatment

One of the most common problems that rheumatoid arthritis patients have are cellulitis and abscesses, these appear spontaneously and often we do not know why.

I explain the causes, how to prevent them, and the treatment that I have followed for this last cellulitis in the finger that possibly has been one of the most serious and painful.

Anyway, I advise you to go to your doctor because the causes may be several and antibiotics may change depending on the bacteria that cause it.

As for hygiene, I usually use:

Hnads Soap


Shower Gel

I hope that with this you will not have to go through antibiotic treatment and the pain caused by inflammation of the area.

Rheumatoid Arthritis – Traveling, Tips and Precautions!

Traveling when you suffer from a rheumatic disease and have an immunosuppressive treatment is challenging and full of doubts and fears.

Certainly, contracting a disease when you have low defenses and in certain countries with precarious health systems is no joke, although it is not for any traveler either.

But I am going to tell you how I do it and some guidelines to follow so that you can travel calmly and safely, from how to plan the trip, to the precautions to take in the country of destination, how to carry a biological treatment such as Enbrel or Erelzi, and how to keep it properly.

Travel Kit

Rheumatoid Arthritis – Traveling, Tips and Precautions!

Rheumatoid Arthritis – Treatment Change

This week I am going to explain a change in the treatment that the rheumatologist proposed to me in the last check-up.

Treatment changes can be made either if the one you have is not working well, or if the goal is to try to reduce the medication.

Obviously, each person is different and some will need higher doses to control the disease, and others will be able to do so with lower doses; which is always beneficial for the body. The less medication, the better…

Anti-inflammatory Supplement

Rheumatoid Arthritis – Treatment Change

Arthritis – Changes in the BIOLOGIC

This week I was due for a check-up with the rheumatologist to evaluate the past 6 months and prepare the treatment for the next 6 months.

We have decided to make some changes in the biological treatment to see how my body responds, because each person is different and you have to do tests, but always under the supervision of a professional.

I will tell you about the changes we are going to make, but subscribe because I will be telling you how I react to the new treatment so that you can evaluate if you can ask your rheumatologist.

Rheumatoid Arthritis – Travel Treatment Problems

A few weeks ago I was traveling in Uganda with a personal project and as I told you in the other video, I took the biological treatment in a case with ice packs to maintain the temperature.

But this time there were problems with the treatment and I will tell you how I was able to solve it.

Rheumatoid Arthritis – Alternative Treatments and Coimbra Protocol

We are going to review which alternative treatments exist and which according to the scientific community have shown some efficacy and which have been shown not to work for rheumatoid arthritis.

As we always advise, consult with your doctor before starting any of these treatments because each person is different, and it is possible that an alternative treatment may interfere with a traditional medication.

We are also going to talk a little bit about the Coimbra Protocol, so I would like to open a little discussion about all this, to see if we can find a common denominator in some alternative treatment, including this protocol on vitamin D intake.

Rheumatoid Arthritis – Trouble sleeping?

If you have trouble falling asleep, wake up several times during the night or wake up tired, it may be caused by rheumatoid arthritis.

80% of people with rheumatoid arthritis have sleep disturbances, so let’s review the causes and possible solutions to improve your rest and therefore your quality of life.

Understanding Rheumatoid Arthritis

Within the project Vivo con Artritis, we have collected all your doubts about the disease and we have used them to create a series of videos solving those doubts.

Chapters in this series:

  1. Causes and Risk Factors
  2. Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
  3. Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis
  4. Pain and Symptom Management
  5. Prognosis and Progression of Rheumatoid Arthritis
  6. Impact of Rheumatoid Arthritis on Daily Life
  7. Rheumatoid Arthritis and Pregnancy
  8. Support and Resources for People with Rheumatoid Arthritis

Thus was born ‘Understanding Rheumatoid Arthritis’, a series that you can already see in a Youtube playlist and that we leave you the link here:


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